Covid 19 Plan (updated on September 6, 2021)
The current Covid-19 pandemic situation in Czechia is good. Visitors that either had Covid in last 180 days or if they are 14 days after the second dose of an EU approved Covid-19 vaccine (or 14 days after a one-dose vaccine) and having an EU recognized certificate can enter the country without any additional restrictions. This information is subject to change, see: the Covid-19 web page of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic for the updated information.
The ECSQARU 2021 conference will be organized as a hybrid conference so that participants can decide whether they wish to come to the conference site or join the conference virtually. A sufficient number of participants registered for onsite participation so the conference is being prepared as a hybrid conference.
We are aware the covid-19 situation is unstable in some countries and we understand people are careful and not willing to register for the onsite participation if they are not sure they will be able to come. For this reason we offer participants that have registered for the virtual participation to change to onsite participation until the end of August with the same (lower) fee as for the early registration. This applies also to participants that decide to register for the first time before the end of August.
We will refund the registration fee to participants that will not be allowed to enter the territory of the Czech Republic due to the Covid situation, but, please, note that even travelers from high risk countries can enter the Czech Republic if they are 14 days after the second dose of an EU approved Covid-19 vaccine (or 14 days after a one-dose vaccine) and having an EU recognized certificate. See the Covid-19 web page of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic for the updated information.
Important dates
May 15, 2021 - abstract submission deadline
May 19, 2021 - paper submission deadline
June 28, 2021 - author notification
July 19, 2021 - final version submission
August 31, 2021 - early registration & payment
The conference is organized by the Institute of Information Theory and Automation (UTIA), Czech Academy of Sciences.
Program chairs of the conference are Jiřina Vejnarová (ÚTIA, Prague, Czechia) and Nic Wilson (University College Cork, Ireland). Members of the Program committee are listed here.
The organizing committee consists of Jirka Vomlel (chair), Milan Studený, and Václav Kratochvíl (all from ÚTIA, Prague, Czechia).
All accepted papers will be published by Springer in the LNAI (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) proceedings series.
In addition to that, extended versions of selected papers will appear in a special issue of
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning published by
The conference will be held in Prague. Prague is the capital of Czechia. It has been enriched by cultures and traditions of many eras like Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance, and each one of them has made an impression on the city which you will feel while touring around. Geographically, Prague lies on the banks of the Vltava River and has mild continental climate which is greatly enjoyed by the visitors.

Conference building
The conference will take place in the Institute of Information Theory and Automation (ÚTIA), located in the campus of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague 8 near Metro station Ládví. See the map of the area.Address
The Institute of Information Theory and Automation (UTIA)Pod Vodárenskou věží 4
182 00 Prague 8, Czechia
Registered virtual participants will use the Zoom Video Meeting Platform to join the conference. To see the respective Zoom link, please, log in.
Everybody can follow the entire ECSQARU 2021 conference on our YouTube channel. No registration is required. See the programme page with the links to the respective streams.
Conference dinner
The ECSQARU conference dinner will take place at Nebozízek on Wednesday, September 22, 2021, at 19:00. Nebozízek is a famous Prague restaurant located at the Petřín Hill with a magnificent view of Prague Castle, Lesser Town, and Old Town. It is also well-known for its delicious cuisine. For example, Václav Havel invited Bill Clinton for a dinner there.
The restaurant is accessible by a walk through Petřín park or by a cable car from Újezd tram station - the station where you should get off the cable car has the same name as the restaurant, i.e., Nebozízek (it is the middle stop of the cable car). See the map.
Prague has a very good public transport system and the conference site is well acessible by Metro line C therefore you can choose any hotel of your preference in the city. However, if you prefer to stay close to the conference site we can recommend, based on our previous experience, following three hotels near the conference site. See the map of these three hotel locations.
Pension Lucie
This is a family hotel. It is about a 20 minutes walk from the institute or one stop of Metro line C from station Ládví.
Hotel Troja
This is a medium size hotel. It is about a 25 minute walk from the institute or one stop of Metro line C from station Ládví.
Henrietta Hotel
A cheaper but still comfortable hotel. The hotel is about a 20 minutes walk from the institute or one stop of Metro line C from station Ládví.